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Category: Blog
29. June 2019
Fun Creative Ways for Your Child to Make Money This Summer
Posted Under: BlogYour child’s got skills! Help your child know what they are by suggesting fun ways to also earn and learn about money, using their gifts, talents and things they already love to do - nature, swimming, sports, technology, music, pets, and more.
20. May 2019
Creative Ways to Pay for Braces
Posted Under: BlogOnce you do get braces for yourself or your child, at least we know that today, there’s the Ultimate Tool for Braces that makes flossing so fast and easy, that it’s even fun. The Harp Flosser is designed with braided nylon, the only ortho flosser available that is so gentle yet durable, you don’t toss it after just one use! It lasts up to a week! Save money, time, and enjoy healthy checkups because hey, you’ve made quite a BIG INVESTMENT! Protect it.
07. May 2019
Don’t Have a Heart Attack About It – Do It!
Posted Under: BlogTHEN IT HAPPENED. Heart Attack. I think back to the exact day I had a heart attack and talking about the details is quite boring to me now. I say this because what happened because of the attack is one of the most exciting parts of my life yet! Time stopped. Time focused me. Time attacked me! You could say, Time flossed away all the things that were getting in the way of me finishing my idea and do things I felt were bigger than just ‘me’ - things I wanted to accomplish and contribute to in life, using my skills and profession.
08. April 2019
White Spots After Braces – Why?
Posted Under: BlogWhite spots that remain on the teeth after removing braces are a result of food and drink debris high in sugar and acid left on the teeth, especially at night. Many foods, like crackers that are high in carbohydrates are really ‘sugars’ to your teeth. When you add sugar to the bacteria already in your mouth (all of us have bacteria in our mouths, good and bad bacteria) it forms an acid. This acid, if not balanced, begins the process of breaking down the enamel on your teeth and can leave those white spots that nobody likes.
20. March 2019
Being Banned & The Benefits of The Harp Flosser
Posted Under: BlogWE GOT BANNED, TOO PERSONAL! Something happened in the last months that made our team a bit frustrated but even more focused – our game changing flossing videos showing exactly how the HARP Flosser works, flossing braces on a set of plastic teeth (typodont), was banned on one of the largest social media platforms. Meaning, we could not show anybody actually using the flosser, or how amazing it works showing the flosser, floss, on a typodont.
19. February 2019
Successful Dental Appointments for Your Child with Autism
Posted Under: BlogYour child’s comfort and safety, as well as you and the staff are the most important issues to consider. A TEAM approach is the most effective in coming up with a plan to treat your child with ASD.
14. February 2019
What’s For Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner with Braces?
Posted Under: BlogNeed ideas for meals with braces? Here’s just a few to get you started. After getting braces, discomfort usually goes away after the first week. But, what you eat can really make a difference in the adjustment time and for the entire time you have braces. Certain foods can help with discomfort because heat and cold help loosen up the ligaments.
04. February 2019
6 Tips To Ready Your Child Confident with New Braces
Posted Under: BlogWhen your child gets braces, there’s an adjustment on all levels from family finances, additional Ortho appointments and making sure your child understands why getting braces is worth “all this”. Let’s face it, getting braces isn’t comfortable for any one, but we know, good things come from being uncomfortable for a time, until the great payoff.
18. January 2019
Cover Your Mouth! Braces With Style
Posted Under: BlogCHOICES: Just like choosing what shoes to wear with your outfit, your braces will soon become part of your personal “style” and daily appearance. Who knew you could have so many choices when it comes to those little rubber bands that tie the wire of your braces to the bracket. But yes, you do have choice so have fun creating that “fun” smile to match your style! What works best?
10. January 2019
How To Find a Dentist for Your Child That Feels Like Family
Posted Under: BlogWhile our society today doesn’t engage in arranged marriages, this is the time to ask your friends, colleagues or acquaintances if they have a dentist in the area they prefer and why they like them. Creating a dental relationship that lasts will serve both your child’s overall health because you’ll be building relationship and history, keeping them as comfortable as possible knowing the dental team knows your child personally AND personality as they grow year to year.