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COVER YOUR MOUTH! … in your favorite color! Let’s face it, Braces Life adds additional hygiene steps and care to your day. At least you have the option of flossing fast & easy with The Harp Flosser. We think back to the days BEFORE The Harp was invented and we shiver. For now, while you’ve got braces, you’ve also got choices by requesting colorful bands for your braces. But, be careful before you pick just any ‘ol color, even your favorite! This is serious business since you’ll be spending on average 12 months and the color you choose can also affect how white your teeth appear. Here’s some help from our team of experts who help people choose colors every day:
DO MY BRACES MATCH MY EYES? CHOICES! Just like choosing what shoes to wear with your outfit, your braces will soon become part of your personal “style” and daily appearance. Who knew you could have so many choices when it comes to those little rubber bands that tie the wire of your braces to the bracket. But yes, you do have choice so have fun creating that “fun” smile to match your style! What works best?
COLOR WHEEL PLEASE! It may be difficult to choose, so when you go to your Orthodontic appointment, be sure to ask for a color wheel or an example of what color choices are available. There are several things to keep in mind when looking at the colors for your braces ties.
CHOOSEY TIPS: Keep in mind that colors will look a little lighter on your braces, and dark colors will make your teeth appear whiter, something most of us want since most teeth, though ‘white’, are in the yellow family . Think about picking meaningful colors like holiday colors, sport teams or school colors or patriot colors like red, white and blue. If you like matching accessories to your outfit, consider matching colors to frequently worn outfits. Let your creative side have a little fun.
KNOW BEFORE YOU GO: Many Orthodontists websites show a color chart so that you can browse colors prior to your appointment. Be sure to let your Orthodontic Assistant know your color choices as soon as possible upon the arrival of your appointment. Create your own style and don’t be afraid to try something wildly fun. Lastly, ask how frequently you can change them out for other colors, or if there are costs to your requests. Your orthodontic appointments are scheduled according to time specific needs and procedures, so the more communication you have with your dental care provider the better.
Have a Question for Dr. Larry Caldwell, Inventor of The Harp Flosser and Fast & Easy Flossing? We’d enjoy hearing from you. Call us or email: 800-495-2783 or