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Harp Beat Blog
- 01. July 2021
True Stories of Things That Got Stuck in My Braces
Posted Under: BlogToday, we go deeper as there was a question, ‘How do I get carpet out of my braces?” Here’s some funny sticky stories of things that have gotten stuck in braces. Warning, if you are not a cat or dog lover, one may gross you out but it stems from love! Hey, we always promise to bring you Real Braces Life Stories to Support you because we are serious about your flossing success.
- 04. February 2021
Fun Ways to Help Special Needs Kids Brush & Floss: Book, Songs and Harp Flosser Show
Posted Under: BlogDon’t Give Up: If your child has sensory issues, it’s you that helps them brush. Add flossing, the secret behind healthy gums and overall mouth health, can be overwhelming with or without braces, especially trying to get into the gumline and reach those molars where bacteria easily grows from stuck food.
- 08. June 2020
4 Post Pandemic Brownie Recipes to Celebrate Summer and Health
Posted Under: BlogWe even had, what turned into a big debate on which brownie cut is best for taste, center or edge. The tally was 50/50. We also gave away months of Harp Flosser packs for folks who gave us some of their best recipes. Since there were requests for the best brownie recipe, why not share them to match every taste-bud-view we collected and blog them here. Done. Get your spatulas ready.
- 26. March 2020
COVID-19 Dental Emergencies – How to Get Help
Posted Under: BlogA dental emergency is a situation that involves any tooth or mouth pain, swelling, bleeding, a loose tooth, or injury occurrence. In many practices this includes patients of record as well as any NEW patient! Don’t think if you’re not a current patient you will not be served. Most Dental Practice goals will be to minimize patients being taken to urgent care facilities for dental emergencies at this critical time. In most cases, dental emergencies cannot be treated by an urgent care provider anyway, only to place the patient on antibiotics or sutures if necessary or providing immediate temporary comfort.
- 30. December 2019
What You Did and What You Said
Posted Under: BlogYou. Thank you for not only your purchases but also encouragement to help kids stay healthy. You inspired us even when Facebook banned us from showing how the Harp Flosser worked by one of our great patients, Caroline, using the flosser! (Ad policy: flossing is too personal and may offend people).
- 16. December 2019
How to Help Special Needs Kids Win at Oral Hygiene
Posted Under: BlogKids with special needs can present some overwhelming challenges when it comes to taking great care of their teeth and overall oral hygiene. Communication, behavioral and sensory issues all come into play.
- 02. October 2019
Got a Mouth Ulcer? Don’t Worry, Be Healing!
Posted Under: BlogOuch! Lots of people get mouth Ulcers. The word, ‘ulcer’ seems big & scary, but there’s help for what so many people will say, “I’ve got this this little irritating sore, right on the side of my cheek”. Mouth ulcers happen to more people than most think. In fact, recurrent mouth ulcers occur in approximately 20 - 40% of the U.S. population.
- 26. September 2019
10 Ways to Motivate Kids to Do Chores
Posted Under: BlogKids by nature want to please, giving praise for jobs well done doesn’t end with young children, it continues through adulthood. We all have the need to know we have done well as we continuing building self-confidence throughout our lives. Motivating teens to complete tasks can be tricky but standing calming with your consequences at all times will support respect and responsibility and equip them for success outside of your household.
- 10. September 2019
Top Ten Things to Say to Your Child When They Don’t Want Braces
Posted Under: BlogNot all kids/teens are going to accept the fact they need braces. Some will be excited and want them because their friends wear them. Great, but most times, it’s not that easy to walk into #BracesLife with excitement. There are a few things you can say to your kid to encourage acceptance of Orthodontic treatment, we’ve got a top ten list and stats.
- 26. July 2019
Sport a Mouth Guard! 5 Million Teeth Missing?
Posted Under: BlogBelieve it or not, 5 million teeth are knocked out annually during sporting activities. During the course of a lifetime, the cost to replace one tooth including appointments, maintenance, surgeries can be as high as $20K. As an athlete or involved in intramural sports, you have a 35-56% chance of receiving an injury to your mouth during your career.